Historic Vehicle Scheme – for unmodified vehicles

You first need to decide whether your vehicle complies with the regulations for “unmodified vehicles” and to do that, read the information on the RMS web site.

If you believe your vehicle complies, you need to bring it to the Club Registrar (or his delegate) together with:

  1. An Application for Conditional Registration (RMS form 1246) with sections 1 to 11 completed.
  2. An Historic Vehicle Declaration (RMS form 1259) with sections 1 and 2 completed.
  3. Proof of ownership, which could be previous registration papers in your name or a receipt for the vehicle.
  4. A current Safety Inspection Report (aka: Pink Slip).
  5. A completed Eligibility Declaration
  6. $25 by cash, cheque or prior EFT to the Club’s bank account.

The Registrar will check the paperwork, sign the Declaration to say that both you and the vehicle comply with the eligibility requirements, imprint the Declaration with the Club’s stamp and return the documents (except for the Eligibility Declaration) to you.

You can then attend your local Service NSW office to register the vehicle and obtain your number plates. After you have done this, you must contact the Registrar and advise the registration number as we need to keep this for our records.

Classic Vehicle Scheme – for modified vehicles

If your vehicle does not comply with the requirements for unmodified vehicles, you can still get Conditional Registration through the Classic Vehicle Scheme. You need to mail the following to the Club Registrar:

  1. An Application for Conditional Registration (RMS Form 1246) with sections 1 to 11 completed.
  2. A Classic Vehicle Declaration (RMS form 1835) with sections 1 and 2 completed.
  3. A photocopy of proof of ownership, which could be previous registration papers in your name or a receipt for the vehicle.
  4. A photocopy of a current Blue Slip.
  5. A stamped addressed envelope for return of the documents to you.
  6. $50 by cash, cheque or prior EFT to the Club’s bank account.

The Registrar will check the paperwork, sign the Declaration to say that both you and the vehicle comply with the eligibility requirements, and imprint the Declaration with the Club’s stamp. We will return the Application for Conditional Registration to you, and send items 2 and 4 to the Council of Motoring Clubs for them to also imprint their stamp, and they will return the Declaration to you.

Once you have received the stamped Declaration from CMC, you can attend your local Service NSW office, register the vehicle and obtain your number plates. After you have done this, you must contact the Registrar and advise the registration number as we need to keep this for our records.

If you have any queries, please email or phone;
Greg Holden, SCCA Registrar
email: registrar@spriteclub.com
phone: 0408 777936 between 8:00 am and 8:30pm

Mailing address for documents:
PO Box 7005
Wilberforce NSW 2756

Payments need to be made to:
BSB: 062 452
Account Number: 1022 8025
Account Name: SCCA
reference: your name